Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Now is the Time to Start Settling your Debts.

Now, more then ever is the time to start Settling your credit card debts.

There is so much fear and uncertainty in our society about the economy. The stock market is taking a beating and people are lossing the money they have invested faster then they have ever thought.

It's rough out there and it's not just "Joe" consumer. The banks are hurting more then ever.

Now is the time to start settling your debts.

Credit card companies are making it harder to get loans for both people and businesses. They are even tightening up on their current credit card holder. Tightening up the belt on the people they already have pinned down with credit card debt. Be looking in the mail for info about how your interest rate could be sky rocketing.

Debt Settlement cuts your monthly payments in half and saves you over 40% of what you owe. While you continue to make your monthly payments, only part of your debt is getting paid down. So each month you are paying something for nothing.

Take the short term credit hit. It's worth it if you are paying out money in interest.

Debt settlement saves you money two fold. One. You typically pay out less each month then what you would with credit card payments. Two. Your money is going towards the solution. Not the interest.

Think the credit impact will be too great? Look at where you will be and how much interest you'll be paying if you keep paying on the card for a year. The number is probably in the thousands.

"Debt Settled" on a credit report only takes 90 days max to clean up and raise your score.

Which is better?

Having your credit score drop for a year and being out of debt? Or having an "ok" credit score for a year, but paying out thousands in intrest?

How are you dealing with your high interest credit cards?


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