Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Old Utility Bills? Do I pay them?

So, it has been years since you lived at that one address, and suddenly you get a call about the outstanding balance you owe for some utility? Do you pay it?

If you did not receive a written document from this collector outlining the services unpaid, let the collector know that you are aware of your rights under the FDCPA and that you will no longer discuss the matter until the document is received. If the collector refuses, report the company to the Federal Trade Commission through the FTC's complaint form.

If you believe you do not owe the debt because the statute of limitations has expired on collecting the debt, then let the collector know that you are aware of this fact. It is legal for the collector to attempt collection on a debt past the statute of limitations; however, the collector cannot report the debt to a credit bureau or take any legal action to collect the debt, such as a judgment or other court action.

If you are still with in the limits, contact us and we can approach the debt through debt settlement, if you qualify.


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